Tic Tac Toe

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Event Details

"you cant just play on the edge of the games you have to be thick of it" the tic tac toe is multiplayer game it basically the board game with the twist of few riddles and hunting game.


Round 1:

  • The teams are made X and O ,the flags are hidden in the campus the participants have to hunt for there particular flags with the help of the given riddles

Round 2:

  • After finding out the riddles the participants who find out all the flages will make their noughtes and crosses will be considerd as the winners.


  • The board of tic tac toe 3/3 is formed where in 2 teams of X n O
  • The participants should not use google or phones particularly during the games
  • The participants should try to complete the task in mean time.
  • After finding every flag the players have to come back and play there tic tac toe game or place there x or o on the grid of tic tac toe and take another chit of riddle and hunt for the next one.
  • The participants have to play the game fairly with subject .
  • The first to complete their noughts or crosses will be the winner.


Tanveer. L - 9686081755

Dhanashree. T - 8431972034

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