Pani Puri

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Event Details

The Pani Puri Eating Competition is a solo event where two participants compete against each other to see who can make and eat the most Pani Puris within a set time limit of 1 minute. The participant who makes and eats the most Pani Puris in this time frame is declared the winner.


  • Cheating: Any signs of cheating, such as hiding Pani Puris or improperly filling them, will lead to disqualification.,
  • Timing: The competition lasts for exactly 1 minute for each participant.
  • Number of Rounds: There will be three preliminary rounds.
  • Duration: Each round will last 1 hour.
  • Participants: A fixed number of participants will compete in each preliminary round.
  • Participants: A fixed number of participants will compete in each preliminary round.

  • Scoring

  • Each participant will have their panipuris counted by an official counte
  • Partially eaten panipuris will not be counted.
  • If a participant regurgitates, they will be disqualified.

  • Final Round

  • Finalists: The winners of the three preliminary rounds will compete in the final round.
  • Supervision: Each round will be supervised by judges to ensure fairness.


    Supplies Provided: Plates of Pani Puris (empty shells), bowls of stuffing (potato mixture, chickpeas, etc.), and bowls of Pani (spiced water). Personal Items: Participants may bring a napkin or handkerchief.

    Hw to play?

  • Starting Position: Each participant will stand or sit at their designated spot with a plate of empty Pani Puri shells, stuffing, and Pani in front of them.
  • Ready, Set, go: The competition will start on the signal.
  • Making Pani Puris: Participants must fill each Pani Puri shell with stuffing and Pani themselves before eating it. The Pani Puri must be fully assembled and eaten one at a time.

    Tips for Participants

  • Health Considerations: Participants with food allergies or digestive issues should refrain from participating.
  • Behaviour: Participants must conduct themselves respectfully and follow the rules strictly.


Abhishek H: 901-966-2493

Sakshi V: 866-027-4419

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